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    Pediatric Orthopedics at GMC Ortho Hospital

    Welcome to GMC Ortho Hospital’s specialized Pediatric Orthopedics services. Our dedicated team of pediatric orthopedic specialists is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care for infants, children, and adolescents with musculoskeletal conditions. We understand the unique needs of young patients and are here to support their growth and development.

    Expertise in Pediatric Orthopedics

    Our pediatric orthopedic specialists have extensive experience in treating a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions that affect children, from congenital deformities to sports injuries. Our approach combines clinical expertise with a child-centered focus to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child’s bone and joint health.

    Conditions We Treat

    We offer evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment for a variety of pediatric orthopedic conditions, including:

    • Congenital limb deformities
    • Developmental hip dysplasia
    • Scoliosis and other spinal deformities
    • Pediatric fractures and sports injuries
    • Clubfoot and other foot deformities
    • Limb length discrepancies
    • Neuromuscular conditions affecting mobility
    • And more

    Pediatric Deformity Correction of Foot

    At GMC Ortho Hospital, we specialize in Pediatric Deformity Correction of the foot. Children may be born with congenital or acquired foot deformities that require expert care to ensure proper development and function. Our dedicated pediatric orthopedic team is experienced in addressing a wide range of pediatric foot deformities.

    Conditions We Treat:

    1. Clubfoot (Congenital Talipes Equinovarus): Clubfoot is a common congenital foot deformity where the foot is turned inward and downward. Our specialists employ a range of techniques, including the Ponseti method, to gradually correct clubfoot in infants.
    2. Metatarsus Adductus: This condition involves a curved or rotated positioning of the front part of the foot. Treatment may involve stretching, casting, or, in some cases, surgery.
    3. Vertical Talus (Rocker Bottom Foot): Vertical talus is a rare congenital deformity where the foot is in an abnormal fixed position. Surgical correction may be necessary to restore proper alignment.

    Our Approach:

    • Early Intervention: Timely evaluation and intervention are critical for pediatric foot deformities. We work closely with parents to ensure early diagnosis and develop a customized treatment plan.
    • Non-Surgical and Surgical Options: Depending on the severity and type of deformity, we offer a range of treatment options, including non-surgical methods like casting and stretching, as well as surgical correction when needed.
    • Child-Centered Care: Our approach to pediatric deformity correction emphasizes the unique needs of young patients, focusing on their comfort and overall well-being throughout the treatment process.

    Congenital Dislocation Surgical Correction

    Congenital dislocation refers to the abnormal displacement of a joint present at birth. When it occurs in the hip joint, it’s known as congenital hip dislocation or developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). Early detection and intervention are crucial to prevent long-term complications.

    Our Expertise:

    At GMC Ortho Hospital, we specialize in the surgical correction of congenital dislocations, particularly in the hip joint.

    Conditions We Address:

    1. Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH): DDH is a condition where the hip joint doesn’t develop properly, leading to instability and potential dislocation. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to achieve optimal hip joint function.
    2. Congenital Knee Dislocation: In some cases, congenital dislocation can affect the knee joint. Surgical correction may be necessary to restore proper alignment and function.

    Treatment Approach:

    • Early Diagnosis: Early detection of congenital dislocation is crucial. We conduct thorough evaluations and utilize imaging techniques to diagnose and assess the severity of the condition.
    • Customized Surgical Intervention: Our orthopedic surgeons perform specialized surgical procedures to correct the dislocated joint, often involving realignment and stabilization techniques.
    • Postoperative Care: Following surgery, our team provides comprehensive postoperative care and rehabilitation to ensure a successful outcome and optimal joint function.
    • Pediatric-Focused Care: We prioritize the unique needs of pediatric patients, providing child-friendly, compassionate care throughout their treatment journey

    Specialized Pediatric Care

    At GMC Ortho Hospital, we recognize that children’s musculoskeletal needs are unique. Our pediatric orthopedic team collaborates closely with pediatricians, radiologists, and physical therapists to provide comprehensive and individualized care tailored to your child’s specific condition and growth stage.

    Advanced Treatment Options

    We offer a range of treatment options, both non-surgical and surgical, designed to address each child’s unique needs. Our goal is to help children achieve optimal mobility, function, and quality of life while minimizing any disruption to their growth and development.

    Family-Centered Care

    We understand that managing a child’s orthopedic condition involves the entire family. Our pediatric orthopedic team is here to support you every step of the way, providing education, guidance, and emotional support to ensure a positive healthcare experience for your child and your family.

    Frequently Asked Questions about Pediatric Orthopedics

    Discover answers to common questions regarding Pediatric Orthopedics at our medical facility:

    Pediatric Orthopedics is a specialized branch of orthopedic medicine focused on diagnosing, treating, and managing musculoskeletal conditions and injuries in infants, children, and adolescents. It addresses a wide range of issues from birth-related deformities to sports injuries.


    Children’s growing bodies have unique musculoskeletal needs. Pediatric orthopedic care ensures proper growth, development, and function of bones, joints, and muscles, setting the foundation for a healthy and active life.

    Pediatric Orthopedics addresses conditions such as congenital limb deformities, developmental dysplasia of the hip, scoliosis, fractures, sports injuries, and more.

    Our pediatric orthopedic team consists of highly skilled specialists with extensive experience in treating pediatric musculoskeletal conditions. They are dedicated to providing compassionate care tailored to each child’s needs.

    1. Early intervention is crucial in pediatric orthopedics. Detecting and treating conditions early can prevent complications, support proper growth, and minimize the need for more invasive treatments later.

    Yes, many pediatric orthopedic conditions can be managed with non-surgical interventions such as braces, casts, physical therapy, and other conservative methods.

    When surgical intervention is necessary, our team specializes in various procedures tailored to children’s needs, from congenital deformity corrections to fracture repairs and spine surgeries.

    Yes, our pediatric orthopedic specialists have experience working with infants, children, and adolescents of all ages. They provide age-appropriate care and ensure a comfortable and child-friendly environment.

    To schedule a consultation for Pediatric Orthopedics services, please contact us using the provided contact information. Our team is ready to address your questions, assess your child’s condition, and recommend suitable treatment options.

    Yes, postoperative rehabilitation is often necessary to aid in the recovery process and ensure optimal healing and function. Our team designs personalized rehabilitation plans to support each child’s recovery journey.